crochet artist: Helle Jorgensen

My final crochet artist this week is Helle Jorgensen
She crochetes beautiful pieces of coral. It is real eco-friendly art, because she uses only reclaimed wool and homemade plastic yarn.

crochet art, crocheted plastic coral by Helle Jorgensen

crochet art, crocheted coral by Helle Jorgensen

crochet art, crocheted plastic coral by Helle Jorgensen

crochet art, crocheted sea creatures from plastic bags by Helle Jorgensen

crochet art, crocheted sea creatures from plastic bags by Helle Jorgensen

crochet art, crocheted reef by Helle Jorgensen

crochet art, crocheted sea creature by Helle Jorgensen

crochet art, crocheted sea creature by Helle Jorgensen

crochet art, crocheted coral hat by Helle Jorgensen

This last piece is actually a hat!

Helle Jorgensen is on Flickr with more great inspiration.


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